The fab fourteen
When does love make its landing? Do the wheels touch down only after some required minimum time in the air? Or does love define its own gravity? Fourteen cats depended on the answer.
When does love make its landing? Do the wheels touch down only after some required minimum time in the air? Or does love define its own gravity? Fourteen cats depended on the answer.
November arrives full of “alls.” Yesterday was All Saints Day. (The cats celebrated themselves appropriately.) Today is All Souls Day. (The cats snickered “bless your soul” at us inappropriately.) And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, we’re lavished with the luscious “alls” of 125 Tabby’s Place residents in all their muchness.
We interrupt your regularly-scheduled programming with Breaking News. YOU HIT THE LINDA FUND GOAL.
“They” tell me it is now Meteorological Autumn. “They” say kitten season is on the wane. But the great, proverbial “they” don’t know a thing about the endless summer of cats.
Perhaps you loved Sienna long before she ever pawed upon the glass. Perhaps your love went wild with her viral photos. Perhaps you attempted to adopt her all the way from Amsterdam. However you’ve loved Sienna, oh, my homies, have we got a treat for you today.
When Jonathan first agreed to an official Tabby’s Place blog, he gave me a free rein with the merest caveat. “Be as outrageous as you want,” said he. “Don’t worry about a professional tone,” said he. “Just don’t write about, you know, abortion or the death penalty or anything like that.” Today, kittens, I risk […]
Some things are utterly, unavoidably, unforgivably* preposterous. Decaf espresso. Vegan cheese. Celebrity Wife Swap. Sienna‘s viral video.
If you’re reading this post, you’re doing July right. Before you can properly celebrate Independence Day, Bastille Day, and Tapioca Pudding Day, you must know how the cats spent all the days of June.
Dickens me this: are these the best of times? Are these the worst of times? Or are these, simply, the times of our particular, prosaic, miraculous lives?
If you read Felis Catus on the regular, you know: we do our Epilogues on the first Friday of the month. That’s Friday as in tomorrow, as in, not today. However, there’s news of Jurassic proportions barreling our way tomorrow. We don’t want to unveil this epic information before it’s officially hatched, though, hence the […]