Epilogues: June 2015
If you’re reading this post, you’re doing July right. Before you can properly celebrate Independence Day, Bastille Day, and Tapioca Pudding Day, you must know how the cats spent all the days of June.
If you’re reading this post, you’re doing July right. Before you can properly celebrate Independence Day, Bastille Day, and Tapioca Pudding Day, you must know how the cats spent all the days of June.
If you read Felis Catus on the regular, you know: we do our Epilogues on the first Friday of the month. That’s Friday as in tomorrow, as in, not today. However, there’s news of Jurassic proportions barreling our way tomorrow. We don’t want to unveil this epic information before it’s officially hatched, though, hence the […]
I don’t know where your mind wanders when it wanders. I don’t know what’s on your heart and on your soul today. I do know, with the certainty of 10,000 credos, that you are about to be emptied of all such things.
By the time you read this post, nerd prom will be over, the madding crowd will be far away, and a big green chap and his gangsters will be avenging on our behalf.* But much more importantly, things will have happened. They will have happened…because cats made them happen.
One of the best things about loving the cats is letting them link our hearts with other cat-smitten human beans. Case in point: the luminous Karen. I’ve been blessed to develop a special friendship with this feline-adorer, and I stand in awe of her huge love for the cats. Karen has always championed the overlooked, […]
The word “little” has a spectrum of meanings when it refers to cats…and many of those meanings have nothing to do with being small. Take my own “little Dibbles,” who is 18 pounds of tiny titanic tabby adorableness. Or “little Bellis,” who increasingly looks like a creamsicle-colored sausage. Or today’s featured sweetheart, our very own […]
An oft-heard comment among visitors to Tabby’s Place is, “Your cats are so big!” Is it the Ringoes, NJ water? Are cats like koi, growing to fill their space, so that cage-free living means enormous cats? Honestly, our cats don’t look unusually large to me…well, except for a certain contingent. Some call these guys the fat […]