I have to tell you the truth. Try as you may to make it otherwise, you are going to be disruptive. Even more: you are going to be most disruptive to the ones you love most.
I have to tell you the truth. Try as you may to make it otherwise, you are going to be disruptive. Even more: you are going to be most disruptive to the ones you love most.
You’ve done it; I’ve done it; I strongly suspect we will both do it again. I’m talking about talking trash about 2020. I think we might have overdone it just a touch.
Oh August, sweet little August, you are young yet, and tender. Yet as you grow, we have a request for you. On behalf of every individual of every species on every continent, subcontinent and islet: please be kind.
Now is not the winter of our discontent. Now is not yet the triumphal procession towards spring. Now is the holy roll of ordinary time at Tabby’s Place.
Some sentences that are categorically false at all times: “That kitten is not cute.” “That episode of Family Guy was important to my spiritual growth.” “That cat absolutely loves major changes.” Well…maybe not all times.
It has come. October. But before we can properly begin the month of Tabby’s Place’s 10th anniversary and our 1st Halloween in three years without a major natural disaster, we’ve got some ‘splaining to do about September.
Suite B is approximately 8 feet from Suite C. If you are a human, this means 1.3 Jimmy Fallons laid end-to-end. If you are a cat, this means the distance from New Jersey to Paris Zanzibar The Andromeda Galaxy.
“Everything in moderation…including moderation.” “Sometimes too much of a good thing is wonderful.” These are philosophies worth espousing.
They tell me it’s been a “mild” winter. They tell me the globe is warming. They tell me a lot of things. I tell them: bollocks.
Just when you thought girl groups had gone the way of Crystal Pepsi and cassingles, I have good news. The best sistafriends since the Spice Girls have arrived.