Now is not the winter of our discontent.
Now is not yet the triumphal procession towards spring.
Now is the holy roll of ordinary time at Tabby’s Place.

It’s holy because it’s here, the cats are here, and we’re here to wonder at it all. So let’s take this moment to mark the moments that made January sing and shout:
Arrived: Sheldon, Em, Audrey, Freeway, Tabs, Gherkin,* Chelsea, Billy Jean, Sriracha, Coco, Chanel, Dior, Racquel, Carrot, Freyja, Patches, Zachary
Adopted: Lotti, Clyde, Taz & Banana (together), Elsie, Aloysius, Pascal, Violet, Evan, Daisy, Nellie, Yoda
Returned: NOOOO ONE.
Cleared from Quarantine: Knox, Sheldon, Em, Audrey, Yoda

Cleared from Ringworm: Aloysius, Eclipse
Banished to Ringworm: Freeway, Tabs, Gherkin, Chelsea
Promoted to the Community Room: Yoda
Promoted to Heaven: Babs, Gingko, Dior, Achilles
Moments roll on, and sometimes they roll us. But we are on this road, walking or running or crawling or dancing, together, and we’ll get where we’re going. February, please be kind.
*Yes, as a matter of fact, we do have a cat named Gherkin. Underestimate our awesomeness at your peril.
Photo credits from de top: Tabby’s Place TNR kitty by Mark; Aloysius and Evan by AT
Congratulations to all the Tabby’s Place cats that moved on to their forever homes this month. Extra special good wishes to Evan, who was my favorite, and is an especially handsome boy!
Ginko – Achilles – Dior – Babs – never forgotten and always loved. But January brings new kitties that need the love that you leave behind as your legacy. Love is the greatest gift of all – thank you always, Tabby’s Place.
So sorry to hear about Gingko, who was such a fixture at Tabby’s Place — and even a big part of the family when fostered.
Of course…..