Epilogues: August 2024
Oh, kittens! If ever we needed cats, it’s now. We are in Olympics withdrawal. Target is trying to boondoggle us into believing we are behind on holiday shopping. And no matter where we hide, it is still an election year.
Oh, kittens! If ever we needed cats, it’s now. We are in Olympics withdrawal. Target is trying to boondoggle us into believing we are behind on holiday shopping. And no matter where we hide, it is still an election year.
I am not supposed to be writing this, and you are not supposed to be reading it. But we are not in control.
Although none of them were yet born when it was released, the Tabby’s Place cats have made Outkast’s “Hey Ya!” their solemn anthem. Specifically: “Now I want to see y’all on y’all baddest behavior.”
Someone recently described one of my best friends as “arrogant.” I can’t tell you if the accused was human or feline, and I can’t tell if it was an insult. But Charles can turn everything to a compliment, so he assisted me as OI (Orange Intelligence) on this post.
Imagine: It’s a beautiful, sunshiny day. There’s the slightest breeze drifting through the solarium. Sharing the bench is a gigantic black cat with a white-tipped tail. He is purring softly.
In American pop culture, four-leafed clovers have inspired superstitions, song performances, and breakfast cereal shapes. At Tabby’s Place, it’s a very young cat named Clover who does the inspiring, simply by being herself.
There is a time to spin, and a time to sprawl. A time to toil, and a time to turn into a tide-pool of molasses. A time to care, and a time to care less. A time for acid rock, and a time for acedia…feline edition.
Bear with me a moment, please. I’m trying to wrap my mind around an idea. I asked for it. Literally. Only, what to do with it now that I have been thusly gifted, from my spouse’s own lips, with “Space Cats?”
Charles is not a minimalist. Charles is not a streamliner. Charles is a keeper, a hoarder, and a master of disorder. And Charles loves being Charles.
The pumpkins are fat. The skeletons are thin. The cats’ patience is wearing thinner. The cats are wearing clothes.