Sponsor Updates for Macaroon

Update for Macaroon

Dearest supporters of Macaroon, When last we left Macaroon, she was extolling the virtues of living at Tabby’s Place. There were adequate spaces for napping; she had visitors in her suite; she got to play with wand toys; and there was a solarium (although I never once saw her venture out there). Well, in the […]

Update for Macaroon

Dear Sponsors of awesome Macaroon, Recently, when I made a visit to Suite C, I had a very enlightening conversation with Miss Macaroon. We hadn’t spoken much before, as we were still getting to know each other, but during this visit I had some time to spend discussing her views on a number of topics. […]

Update for Macaroon

Welcome to March, dearest sponsors of Macaroon. Let’s talk about shyness. The dictionary definition of “shy” is: 1. Bashful; retiring 2. Easily frightened away; timid 3. Suspicious; distrustful No one can accuse our Mac of being shy in any way. She genuinely loves people and tolerates other cats. She comes to greet her visitors (maybe […]

Update for Macaroon

Dearest Sponsors of Macaroon, Here I sit, in the midst of a blizzard, wind howling around the corners of the house, snow blowing horizontally, and I’m thinking about love. Yes, it’s February, the month of St. Valentine’s Day, the month of love. There are all sorts of love. There is the love you have for […]

Update for Macaroon

Dear Sponsors of Macaroon, Well, 2017 is now upon us. While our lives may change drastically this year, Macaroon’s will stay pretty much the same. She is still a svelte 19 pounds; she is still glossy black; and she is still feisty. I understand that our Mac has been “throwing her weight around” with some […]