Update for Macaroon

Update for Macaroon

Dear Sponsors of awesome Macaroon,

Recently, when I made a visit to Suite C, I had a very enlightening conversation with Miss Macaroon. We hadn’t spoken much before, as we were still getting to know each other, but during this visit I had some time to spend discussing her views on a number of topics.

Susan T: How are you feeling lately?

Miss Mac: Now that I’ve lost a few pounds, I feel much more energized and ready to do battle with the other cats here. I’m feeling really well; no meds, no problems. I see that some of the others have to take pills, which are icky. I’m glad I’m not included in that.

Susan T: So, now that you’ve been here for awhile, what do you think of Tabby’s Place?

Miss Mac: Well, I like the fact that I can sleep (as long as I want) on soft towels and beds, and that I have plenty of water to drink all day long. If I want, I can even travel over to the solarium and hang out in the fresh air, and kill any stray creatures that come in unbidden. Now that spring is coming, it will be really pleasant out there. I can hear the birds and watch squirrels and enjoy the flowers in Cherny’s Garden.
Also, people come and visit and bring feather toys! It’s so much fun to chase them and pretend they are real birds. Unfortunately, Hank also likes feather toys and tries to play with them at the same time I’m playing. But I keep him in his place. And sometimes, the people brush me, which I really enjoy, because it makes my fur shiny and even more beautiful.

Susan T: Any complaints?

Miss Mac: Not too many, except that our suite is known colloquially as “the weight loss suite.” I don’t appreciate that…and they don’t give us dry food all day long. Also, people who visit aren’t allowed to give us treats.

Susan T: Overall, how do you like it at Tabby’s Place?

Miss Mac: In general, this is a great place to live. People take really good care of us and give us lots of love and attention. And the food, when it comes, isn’t half bad.

Susan T: Well, I guess that’s about it for today. Time to get to work. Nice talking to you, Miss Mac.

Thank you for all your love and caring for Macaroon. She’s truly a special cat.