Hello, dear sponsors of sweet Mac!
Happy July! This month brings two big new stories in Mac’s life.
The biggest news by far is that Simba, the quite jealous and a bit crazed kitty, has been adopted! Simba has always been a challenge to the rest of the crew in Mac’s room, being territorial and prone to pick fights. Simba was also a challenge to humans, who were often tempted to love on Simba and then be rewarded by bites and scratches when Simba had enough love. You never really knew what was coming. But now Simba has found a forever home with one of our kindest and most patient volunteers and is in the process of settling in and integrating with her family, including two other kitties.
However, Mac did inadvertently cause a bit of a ruckus that caused a slight delay in Simba getting adopted. One day close to Simba’s adoption date Mac, food hound that she is, decided to go after another kitty’s food. That caused a fight to break out, which, as you know, can then spiral out of control, with all cats getting stressed. Well, Simba got super stressed and in the process bit one of the volunteers who happened to be in the room. So, Simba was confined to a big cage in the room (his temporary “jail”), resulting in a delay of a few days. The volunteer had to go to the doc’s and get treated. But in the end Simba went home and perhaps the time in his cage calmed him down a bit in anticipation of his new adventure. Let’s hope Simba’s adoption all works out well. If there was ever a family that could make it work, his new family can.
The second bit of big news for Mac: Lunchtime is over! Since adding in this extra meal mid-day, we’ve seen Mac regain quite a bit of weight. She’s also shown herself to be adept at getting other cats’ food. It’s amazing just how speedy Mac can be when leftovers are in sight. We’ve instructed staff and volunteers to be extra-vigilant about picking up all food dishes in Mac’s suite. Other than the weight gain, lovely Macaroon has been in good health. We just don’t want her sliding back to her huge self of a few years ago, as we know that is not good for her overall health.
Tabby’s Place Kitten shower was last month, with lots of “oohs” and “ahhs” happening as visitors took in the antics of the teenie tiny babies. Some were adopted, and the others are growing quickly, getting socialized and waiting for someone to commit to them. Our fervent desire is that all the kittens find forever homes quickly as adoption gets more difficult the older they get. There is something magical in the early months of life that draws in a visitor’s heart and makes them want to adopt the precious little ones.
Mac is still spending much of her time in her three favorite spots: behind Danielle’s computer monitor, on the top perch of the cat tower, or on the extended ledge by the window. She always wants to chat about the happenings when I am there and is anxious to be the center of my attention, now made easier with Simba gone.
“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability,” says Sam Keen. We are wishing you some lazy days in summer, as we know that occasional laziness is good for the soul.
Thank you for all you do for Mac. She is an energetic and happy girl and would love to thank you in person if you get the chance to visit.