Sponsor Updates for Private: Faye

Update for Faye

Happy September, Friends of Faye! I don’t know where you stand on this debate, friends—whether you are a purist who believes that fall doesn’t “officially” start until the autumnal equinox on September 23rd, or if (like yours truly) you get giddy as soon as the evening temperature dips down into the 60s. One way or […]

Update for Faye

Happy August, friends of Faye! Author Virginia Woolf once wrote, “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.” Faye offers a friendly amendment: “A cat must have a soft bed and a ramp of her own if she is to be Faye.” Our glamour girl is […]

Update for Faye

Happy July, Friends of Faye! Real Talk: there’s been some drama, y’all. If you recall from last month’s update, it seemed like there was some weirdness between Faye and potential suitor/bully, Wilbur. Well, in truth, things really took a tough-and-tumble turn. It seems that Faye and Wilbur have been getting into regular, all-out brawls. The […]

Update for Faye

Happy June, Friends of Faye! “Hot town, summer in the city Dressing so fine, and looking so pretty Cool cat, looking for a kitty Gonna look in every corner of the city…” …or up on the ramps in Tabby’s Place. Apparently, the first blush of those hot summer nights has stirred up some courtship—albeit odd […]

Update for Faye

Happy May, Friends of Faye! Raise your paw if you’ve ever experienced an embarrassing moment.  Now, raise your paw if you’ve ever experienced an embarrassing moment in public. Now, raise your paw if you’ve ever experienced an embarrassing moment in public that someone witnessed and then told other people about. Finally, raise your paw if […]

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