Sponsor Updates for Private: Faye

Update for Faye

Happy Valentine’s Day, Friends of Faye! ’Tis the season of candy hearts, Hallmark sentiments, and good, old-fashioned romance (Tinder be darned!). And, while Faye has been doing very well this month, she’s having none of it. Someone who knows that I happily compose Faye’s updates each month sent me the photo of Fay on the […]

Update for Faye

Happy New Year, friends of Faye! I am pleased to share that we are starting off 2020 on an optimistic note. As I mentioned in last month’s update, we started Faye on a chemotherapy drug that is typically very effective in treating kitties with Faye’s recent diagnosis. Although she experienced some significant weight loss early […]

Update for Faye

Happy Holidays, friends of Faye! ‘Twas two weeks before Christmas, when throughout Tabby’s Place, All the kitties were stirring all over the place. While her suitemates were snuggled and warm in their beds, Faye was reading her copy of Vogue instead. When up on the cubbies, there arose such a clatter Faye glanced (with side-eye) […]

Update for Faye

Happy November, Friends of Faye! Author Charles Dickens once wrote, “Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” As we snuggle into a suddenly brisk November in anticipation of the upcoming holiday season, Faye remembers Dickens’ advice and reflects on all […]

Update for Faye

Happy October, friends of Faye! The wise and blanket-carrying Linus Van Pelt once said, “There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.” And in the spirit of keeping things free from unnecessary controversy and embarrassment, I shall try to keep my subsequent discussion of Faye’s . […]

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