Oliver! is an orange and white swirl of cream and sherbet. He needs…nay, demands…to be celebrated with a musical all of his own. Yes, his name should be punctuated with an exclamation point. Yes, Oliver is dearworthy and deserves everything he wants. So, begging forgiveness for highway robbery from the Oliver Twist-inspired musical, this celebration through lyrical shenanigans is a meager attempt to expound on the extremely divine Oliver!-ness of one very charming, very endearing senior cat.
Before coming to Tabby’s Place, Oliver knew the comfort of a home of his own and the love of a person who made the promises of As Long As He Needs Me and I’d Do Anything. Sadly, in time, Oliver’s person was no longer able to take care of the beloved feline. From Oliver’s perspective, what followed must have felt harrowing. What happened was, more or less, this:
The Capture of Oliver for relocation ended with his arrival in a strange place and among individuals wholly unknown to him.
- There was s period of captivity (The “strangers” at Tabby’s Place call it Intake, and it is actually a pretty cushy set-up, complete with ample food, water, health care, and doting attention.) until he was forcefully (that is to say very thoughtfully and carefully) relocated to a big, scary, and even stranger place (the Lobby).
- Encaged in a different crate for reasons unknown to Oliver (Test results take time, during which a new cat and the current residents can familiarize themselves with each other in a controlled introduction), he decided, “I Shall Scream until I am given what I want.”
- What Oliver discovered was that he really wanted Food, Glorious Food, especially the delectables called “treats.”
- After an eternity (about 2-weeks), Oliver’s Escape from the introductory crating was made. Free!
PHEW! Release into the Lobby proper had some challenges, mostly in the form of other cats with varying degrees and types of interest in and acceptance of a new cat. With his big personality and an impressive level of intelligence (he told me to say that), Oliver set out to find his space in this new place.
Thus, The Fight (a strong, but not entirely inaccurate term) that Oliver faced in learning how to get along with his new cohabitants began.
Some of the feline responses were immediate. Olive, chief greeter and acknowledged ruler of the Lobby (and all things, in truth), rushed to take out an ad in a local paper: Boy For Sale! Who Will Buy? Oh, Olive! Tabby’s Place is neither mall nor mill. We beg of all: adopt, don’t shop! [And, definitely do stop by for a tour.] Meanwhile, the humans greeting Oliver in his new location, tumbled over themselves to forge fast, deep friendships. Advice included, “Consider Yourself at home. Consider Yourself one of us.” With pets, treats, and an abundance of attention. Oliver has begun doing exactly that.
And, that brings us back to his “impressive level of intelligence.” Oliver took a tip directly from the Artful Dodger: You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Two. Could a character be amused, the dodger would be tickled over this cat who, lacking pockets to pick, instead would pick out a weak spot in security. Insufficient measures meant that certain drawers were accessible to a curious, hungry kitty. Applying artistic license, Oliver decided to open a file drawer or two and helped himself to the treats. [Measures have since been taken to better guard goodies from greedy orange cats.]
Now, having had time to settle in and upon Reviewing the Situation, Oliver has been restaged. It seems clear that he has decided It’s A Fine Life at Tabby’s Place. He and his fellow residents have arrived at a fairly reliable truce (mostly). Oliver also has found favorite places to rest undisturbed when he wants and seeks out companionship when a scritch would be just the thing. Already, he is soaking up the extra attention that comes from being a lobby cat, and Oliver adores staff, volunteers, and visitors. Nevertheless, our greatest hope is for the chance to wave goodbye with a blown kiss to Oliver and a hearty Be Back Soon offered to a forever family. When that time comes, we’ll pull out all the stops, play a loud Oom-Pah-Pah, and maybe even dance a jig.
PS: We are thrilled to share that Oliver has just stepped onto the sweetest stage of his life: his forever home!