Epilogues: September 2014

Epilogues: September 2014

15076167588_ddd2d8f2b4_zIn the immortal words of Tom Petty, “some days are diamonds; some days are rocks.”

And some months are ossified turds.* September, you thieving, grieving month, we’re looking at you.

Johnny Ringo and George got by with a little help from their friends this September. They promise October will be kinder.

Regular visitors to this blog (holla, homies) know that this has been one lashing month of losses. But all kidding aside, I’m not being entirely fair to September. A month is more than its lowest points. September wasn’t only responsible for goodbyes and the song Anaconda — it also gave us sunflowers and honey-colored fields and, and…

Arrived: Katniss, George, Creamsicle, Johnny Ringo, Marjory, Irving, Carmine, Rebecca, Justin, Todd, Teepee, Sonny, Okra

Adopted: Kindle & Nook (together), Beemo, Brian, Midge, Stew & Ribbolita (together), Sneakers, Lamar, Gumbie

Returned: Clyde

Cleared from Quarantine: Sapphire, Taz, Bethany, Gumbie, Luna, Katniss, George, Creamsicle, Johnny Ringo

Banished to Ringworm: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ONE. (Trying to banish yourself into Ringworm? You shall not pass.)


Sapphire is not so sure about our rapping abilities at Tabby's Place.
Sapphire is not so sure about our rapping abilities at Tabby’s Place.

And, now, a rhythmic interlude, courtesy of staff members who shall remain anonymous to protect the extremely-white, but whose names may rhyme with Zess (v. 1) and Ronathan (v.2):

“My name is Henrietta, and I’m here to say.
I got cleared from Ringworm today.
I’m staying in Quarantine until I get a dental.
Please visit me before I go mental.

“There once was a girl named Henrietta,
against Associates she had a vendetta.
But one she was cleared, we all found it weird,
that she seemed to like us much betta’.”

(And in case you wondered, yes; that is how you rap in rural New Jersey.)

Promoted to the Community Room: Lamar, Banana, Taz, Katniss, Creamsicle, Diego, Magdalene, Bones, Gumbie

As we know all too well, September also gave us…

Promoted to Heaven: Annie, Jenny, Hootz

OK, September — you’re not a total instance of excrement. But even so, here’s to an easier October, radical with joy.

*Yes, Mr. Petty, I know you’d like to use this line in a future song. You are welcome to do so. I only ask $100,000,000, payable to Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary. The waiting is the hardest part. Thanks. XO

Photo credits from de top: Mark, Jess B, Mark.

3 thoughts on “Epilogues: September 2014

  1. Ooooh – new orange cats – I am in deep trouble! Aren’t they adorable? Yay to Henrietta and I happen to LOVE the rap song – every Tabby’s Place cat should have his/her own rap song!

  2. Annie, Jenny, Hootz – we will love you forever. But yes, thankfully, there is new life and new kitties that need Tabby’s Place. We wipe away our sorrow and turn to the new ones that will need all of the same love and help that you knew. Maybe we love them even more for having known the ones who came before.

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