What shall we say of you, October 2020?
How would you like to be remembered?

Or is that up to us?
Will we remember the little and large kindnesses, and the fact that all kindnesses are large?
Will we remember masks bedazzled with images of Thor and Cher and all manner of excellent absurdity?
Will we remember shocking shafts of light that came just when needed?
Will we remember cats?

Arrived: Zombie, Creature, Spider, Goblin, Wednesday, Nadja, Rotini, Manicotti, Papperdelle, Aladar, Renata, Wells, Lincoln
Adopted: Jam & Fluff (together); Marmalade; Coco; Anemone; Toby; Orzo; Modelo; Alaska & Dakota (together); Garlic; Cherry, Toffee & Candy (together); Burger & Michelin (together); McNugget, McFlurry & McMuffin (together); Dorito; Lager
Cleared from Quarantine: Fiesta, Wyoming (pictured in top thumbnail), Utah, Jessie, Cody, Hanani, Tyson, Flip Flop

Returned: Michelin (but then adopted again because SHE HAS THE PATH TO VICTORY!)
Promoted to the Lobby: Flip Flop
Promoted to the Community Room: Pete, Indiana (pictured at top)
Promoted to Heaven: Impy
Stuff we learned: We are still capable of smiling. Cats are still capable of gobsmacking us with glee. (They will retain that capacity even at the apex of the actual apocalypse, because they are cats.)

We’re all going to look very ancient before our time thanks to smiling so hard with our eyes. But it will be worth it. If every human ends up with the face that she deserves, we will have earned our grinny wrinkles, line by line.
November is young, but it’s nudging us to keep up the smiling and the loving and the frippery. Even now. Especially now.
Let’s use our indoor voices and our invincible tenderness and all the songs we can possibly sing, as loudly as possible. (Indoor voices have their limits.)
Let’s outsparkle this thing one hour at a time.
And just in case you’re inclined to write off October 2020 entirely, I present you with its undeniable redemption. Someone donated this glorious object to Tabby’s Place. The world is not beyond hope, kittens.
Bye bye bye, October.
May God bless Impy.
So many wonderful adoptions – people want to have a happy loving furball in their lives. (Very smart and good for your health.)
What’s with these states cats? Where’s Florida? And resting in glory – timid sweet old lady Impy – yes, forever loved.