Ireland was a country I have always wanted to visit. They have that whole “Emerald Isle” thing going for them, not to mention that two of my favorite bands are Irish (Stiff Little Fingers and the Cranberries).
But, now I’m rethinking my position.
You see, I found this article titled “Study shows dog-loving Ireland hates cats.” It appears that only 10% of Irish families have a cat as a pet, while 36% have dogs. The Irish are right up there with us Yanks in terms of dog ownership (37% os US families own dogs), but 10% is bleedin’ unacceptable.
I don’t really know what to make of this. For now, let me just say this to the Irish: Póg mo thóin!
6 thoughts on “What’s Up With the Irish?”
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I found the most disturbing line in the article to be, “Irish people tend to laugh at cats.”
This is very, very brónach.
While it’s not exactly on-topic for Jonathan’s article, I found this piece about two cats in Ireland interesting:
Perhaps they were trying to teach the Irish how wonderful cats can be (not to mention resourceful – that’s a journey of several thousand miles, which include the sea!).
WOW! I feel sorry for that 90%. Poor things have no idea what they’re missing.
I totally agree with you. I cannot imagine not having cats in my life.
Probably too wound up on leprechans and lucky charms to leave room for something really important and precious.