Volunteer Appreciation Guest Post #3: Sarah
What’s that you say? Volunteer Appreciation Week — and its guest posts from our phenomenal vols — didn’t last long enough for you?
What’s that you say? Volunteer Appreciation Week — and its guest posts from our phenomenal vols — didn’t last long enough for you?
OK, God and humanity and felinity and the universe. You’ve got me convinced: The best things come unbidden.
If I can avoid it, I don’t like penning two sad posts back-to-back. Today, I can’t avoid it. But given who’s the source of sorrow, I can’t be too sappy, either. Not if I don’t want a certain sleek little mink of a cat to haunt me haughtily.
2015 has given us many gifts. Princess Bubblegum. Caffeinated peanut butter. Music for cats.
This may sound scandalous, but it’s a fact: At Tabby’s Place, we regularly see cats do Bad Things.
I’ve been thinking about Queen‘s heart lately. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not an empty hole, The Abyss, or Vladimir Putin’s soul and inspiration.
Be it known that Tabby’s Place does not condone forcing people to work on Thanksgiving just so that other people can buy sweaters. Be it also known that Tabby’s Place enthusiastically condones forcing humans to work on Black Friday just so that other people can adopt cats.
We’re fiercely defensive of our cats at Tabby’s Place. Go ahead and call the staff gypsies, tramps and thieves. Tell us our feet smell like cheese and you don’t like the way we wear our hair. We can take it. Just don’t insult our cats.
I don’t generally like putting words in other people’s mouths. That’s how you end up with creepy things like the eTrade baby commercials. But I feel confident I speak for all of us when I make the following controversial statement: I love cats.
Recently a local radio station had a 90s weekend. This simultaneously: 1. made me feel exceedingly old, and; 2. afforded the opportunity to be reminded of Shakespeare-worthy lyrics like “not vicious or malicious/just lovely and delicious.” Which brings me to Queen.