Epilogues: December 2016
Oh December. Just when we’re ready to write you off as a dastardly doer of dastardly deeds, you give us a thrill of hope, and some out-of-season kittens.
Oh December. Just when we’re ready to write you off as a dastardly doer of dastardly deeds, you give us a thrill of hope, and some out-of-season kittens.
Holidays are terrific, terrible reminders of all the feelings you have ever felt. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you are a cyborg. And you know and I know that you’re as real as life and breath and egg nog.
We interrupt this Gratuitous Cat Photo season to mark the passing of a giant. A tiny, clementine-bright giant: Mango.
For the fruits of your labors, the Tabby’s Place cats thank you. You donate. You share our stories. You pray. You love. You labor your legwarmers off…and your labors do not go unnoticed.
You know that buncha guys. If you were a certain stripe of nerdy, you may have bunched together with that buncha guys. And, like every high school worth its mystery meat, Tabby’s Place has that buncha guys.
If you think Tabby’s Place needs more secret passageways… If you think America’s Got Talent should be renamed America’s Got Problems… If you’re absolutely apoplectic about the impending cancellation of Sábado Gigante… …some cat, somewhere, is on your precise wavelength.
There is so much news exploding at Tabby’s Place today, you’d think it was the Fourth of July. It isn’t. It’s better.
If you’re going to visit Suite C at Tabby’s Place, it’s probably best to bring your own tent. It’s loud and messy and magical in there, and the last thing you want is to have to leave early.
Did your elementary school give out a Perfect Attendance Award? Did you ever win it? Did you ever win it every single year? If you did, you’re a better bean than I.