What is the value of a life? Do the planets lean in close when one stray trembles? Is the Northeast Hemisphere brave enough to save a single empress?
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What is the value of a life? Do the planets lean in close when one stray trembles? Is the Northeast Hemisphere brave enough to save a single empress?
Diagnoses can be disheartening. Diagnoses can be dastardly. But, an FIV+ diagnosis at Tabby’s Place can lead to residency in Suite D. That is D for dynamic. Also, D is for enDearing. It only takes a minute to find out why diagnostic heartache and healing purr go side by side in a magical space.
The Pops, Grandpops, and miscellaneous Poppas and Pappys have been celebrated. The mortarboards have been thrown. The Strawberry Moon has set. June 2024 has been juiced to the last drop. The Tabby’s Place cats hereby welcome you to the Best Summer Ever.
Being earth’s most responsible species, cats are price-conscious about signs and wonders. April 2024 gave them the ultimate bang for their buck. In a mere thirty days, Tabby’s Place received a value pack of omens and portents.