Nothing bleak about it
We can’t control what crosses our path. We can, however, adopt it.
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Today is the day. The world is waiting, breathless, to see what we will decide. We may not know the outcome by the time we go to sleep. Only history can tell if we chose wisely. History, and Olive.
I heard it again today. “Tabby’s Place seems bigger inside than it looks on the outside.”
I wonder what the cats think of our names. I will not say “their” names. They address each other by their real names, which we will never know. But they play along with us, the way you let your nephew win at Uno.
Being earth’s most responsible species, cats are price-conscious about signs and wonders. April 2024 gave them the ultimate bang for their buck. In a mere thirty days, Tabby’s Place received a value pack of omens and portents.
Oh, March, you month of missed opportunities. You talk about lions, lambs, and leprechauns, but you overlook the one creature on earth who is simultaneously all three. You make much of March Madness, but dribble right past its experts. Kittens, March! Cherish the Kittens!