Angelina springs the Tabby’s Pizzeria

Angelina springs the Tabby’s Pizzeria

Angelina, princess of this pizzeriaWelcome to Tabby’s Place, may I take your order?

You’re looking for Angelina? Sorry, no can do. Angelina’s not at this pizzeria anymore. She’s moved on to La Trattoria di Forever Home.

Angelina's 2nd favorite thing, after human bean loveBetween Angie, Gabby and Flora, my personal “short list” of favorites has taken quite a hit this November. But when it comes to Angelina, who spent (too) many moons as (too) many adopters’ “second choice,” it’s more sweet than bitter to see her sail out the door.

The one thing for which Angie has a bigger appetite than dry food is human snugglage, and she’s got an all-you-can-hug buffet of affection in her forever home. It was clearly worth waiting for the family who only had eyes for Angelina; every girl deserves to be with the one who sees her as the first and only choice.

And, we hear that Angelina’s new “pizzeria” is as sweet and cozy as our snuggly silver tabby could dream of. Just a couple of days into life with her new family, Angie’s folks report that she’s already purring the night away on her three-year-old human bean’s bed, and savoring all the love she gets from Mr. and Mrs. Angelina too.

Beautiful AngelinaWhen it comes to our beautiful, finally-adored Angelina, I think the wise philosopher MIKA put it best: Big girl, you are beautiful. I’m so grateful that our girl finally has her very own human beans to cherish her, just the bountiful, bodacious way she is.

And, if you are looking to order a size-grande, huge-hearted feline…may I interest you in our Jan or Sarafina varieties? 🙂

10 thoughts on “Angelina springs the Tabby’s Pizzeria

  1. Another beautiful girl has found her home. That’s a lot to be thankful for. And tomorrow it will be 4 years since I drove to Tabby’s Place to adopt Halo & Twig.

  2. WOW — What a week! Coincidence? I think not — something much sweeter is happening here! Joy to all new adopters and adoptees! And to all my fellow bloggers and Tabby’s Place lovers — Happy Thanksgiving!

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