Update for Simon

Update for Simon

Simon-regal statue pose

Dear Simon Supporters,

One of the best things about writing for a cat at Tabby’s Place is that every month you learn something new about your cat. Sometimes you hear gossip in the lounge. Sometimes you wander into one of the suites and eyewitness something amazing you didn’t know about the cat you’re visiting. Sometimes—and especially now during this current pandemic shutdown—you learn an interesting tidbit from Facebook or from the update emailed monthly from one of the hardworking and faithful employees of Tabby’s Place.

Simon and Shifty hanging out

In July, I discovered Simon had a brother named Hobo, and that Tabby’s Place had managed to rescue him! Learning that piece of news got me thinking—who has Simon been hanging around with since he became a regular (so to speak) at Tabby’s Place?  Since he’s in the Lounge, I began to wonder:  does he get along with the guys and gals in the Lounge?? I mean, check out this regal looking pose.  Who wouldn’t want to be friends with Simon?

Sniff, Sniff… may I be your friend?

So, of course, I discovered that Simon is getting along well with the other kitties in the Lounge. And, it seems, he’s beginning to form a special friendship with Shifty, which is a good development, because earlier they had some “issues.”  Now, however, they were observed rubbing against each other and sniffing each other with no apparent ill will, a very good sign.  So our fingers are crossed that these overtures lead to a beautiful friendship.

Spokescat for Safe Hygiene Practices

But as wonderful as Shifty is, Simon also wanted to be friends with the hand sanitizer that is in the Lounge. He was spotted rubbing his head and cheeks on the bottle that was on the table. Now, maybe, he’s just being super-careful with the virus and all. In fact, there’s a rumor Simon might be named “Spokescat for Safe Hygiene Practices.” But we’ll have to wait and see.

After all, he’s a curious boy and seems to be interested in a host of things, including tea and car keys. Does Simon want to learn to drive??

Simon has been having a good month, happy to be in a cool and safe place during this unusually hot July.

We thank you, as always, for your continued generosity—especially at this particularly difficult time, and look forward to seeing you next month.

Your correspondent,