“Advanced Needs” is a big label for a little cat. But, forget that phrase and focus on the word “special,” and you’ll begin to have an inkling of what Jamie is all about. First of all, Jamie is unconcerned with her diagnosis of early kidney disease. She has two and doesn’t understand the fuss. Secondly, at the mention of chronic ear polyps, she will do what any self-respecting 3-year-old would and stuff her paws in her ears and holler, “I’M NOT LISTENING!! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!”
Jamie is much more interested in how special you are and how special you find her than in her advanced needs.
When you visit her suite, Jamie will be among the first to greet you at the door. She will want to know where you have been, what you have been doing, and if you have treats for her…ideally chicken. Jamie insists that she prefers chicken Kiev, chicken marsala, fried chicken, butter chicken, and chicken enchiladas to all other forms of chicken. Admitting that she has never actually tasted chicken Kiev, chicken marsala, fried chicken, butter chicken, or chicken enchiladas, Jamie still insists that she loves each and every dish. She is willing, however, to accept plain roasted chicken, chicken flavored treats, or canned chicken mush. Ultimately, Jamie is not particularly picky. She simply demands breakfast, lunch, dinner, and treats at all and every hour. [She told me to stress CHICKEN again…and maybe some fish.]
What Jamie also demands, by her very existence, is attention and plenty of it. If you aren’t convinced that Jamie wants attention, try to avoid giving her any. It won’t take long until she will peep and squeak until you are tickled pink by her adorable antics. Climb up on the step ladder to visit a cat on the ramp, and Jamie will join you, eager for pets. Sit on the floor to brush another furry friend, and Jamie will want her share. Quietly pet a cozy feline, and Jamie will circle around for some of the love.
It is a simple truth that this grey tabby is an absolute delight. Jamie is playful. She is charming. She loves being scritched almost as much as she loves butter chicken and chicken enchiladas. To enter her suite is to be greeted by an entire pep squad in one cat. Jamie is your cheerleader. Jamie is your therapist. Jamie is your best friend.
So what if Jamie has “advanced needs?” Nothing is slowing her down. Nothing is keeping her from soaring. She insists that it should be the same way for everyone in the universe, especially you. Besides that, the only “need” Jamie actually recognizes is her very special need for lots of samples of all of her very favorite chicken dishes. If you visit Tabby’s Place, she’d like you to bring some. She’d be happy to share.