Kitty LeFey’s Cosmos: Olde Tyme Treats

Kitty LeFey’s Cosmos: Olde Tyme Treats

Kittens are unbelievably adorable and extremely sweet. Not cloying, just right. Maybe it is this sweetness that inspired the naming of a few recent newcomers to the world and to Tabby’s Place. Maybe it had to do with a very special someone wanting to name a cat for a specific treat. And, maybe it also had to do with some eager supporters chiming in with more names of similar olde tyme treats. A bribe by way of sharing one of these treats certainly had nothing to do with it.

Not at all.

Definitely not.


But, I digress. Re-gressing…no, that’s not right…con-gressing…wrong. Oh, yeesh. Um, getting back to the point of sweet kittens, it was not too many weeks ago that Pandowdy, Cobbler, and Crisp were welcomed into the Tabby’s Place fold. Buckle arrived just a couple of days later.

These kittens were very, very small when the fabulous Foster Team, once again, was put to the hard work of caring for their very, very fragile little selves. It is hard to imagine how such small creatures with such great needs worm their way into our hearts so quickly. Thus it was that, after a too-short time on an otherwise typical afternoon, we of the Tabby’s Place family were devastated to learn that Pandowdy’s sudden decline would keep her from celebrating any more sunsets with us. It was a harsh reality check.

This too-real reality of kittens is quite complicated. They are high-energy floofballs. They sleep A LOT. They have teeny wittle knives at the tips of their adorable wittle toesies. Some have complications that even the amazing Tabby’s Place staff and Dr. Fantastic (that magnificent collective of mind bogglingly outstanding specialists) are unable to test for or detect to prevent from breaking our hearts.

Most kittens thrive.

It takes time. It takes great care.

It takes grand dedication.

It takes great, grand love that is unconditional and forever.

Caring for so many young kittens highlights a growing global need-gap as kitten seasons everywhere extend ever longer and create ever more hopeless situations, which are the purview of Tabby’s Place. Meeting as much of these expanding needs as possible to help fill that gap requires our Foster Team, staff, volunteers, and you, our beloved donors.

The Kitten Fund was established with very immediate goals and important aspirational goals to improve the sanctuary’s ability to care for these adorable, needy, complicated, knife-endowed furballs. The aim is to go above and beyond the excellence in care that the Tabby’s Place family has already achieved. The aim is to make it ever easier to provide more of everything necessary to care for more kittens. Another aim is to educate people about the fact that kittens are much more than simply cute.

With the main target in view, Tabby’s Place, like the “olde tyme treats” kittens, simply needs the investment of love, care, and donations to reach our goal. Aspirational or not, the goal is within reach for the ark that Jonathan built. The legacy already exists. It is as solid and delicate as a perfectly baked pie crust. Whatever goes into that crust will shape the future. Knowing the wonder that is this very special family, it is bound to be sweet and delicious, but never cloying.

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