Marmalade and…marmite?

Marmalade and…marmite?

SteveTake one very orange suite at Tabby’s Place.

Happily remove three parts of orangeness; add one part torbie. Suddenly, Suite Marmalade isn’t quite so…well, so marmalade after all.

Zinnia by DanielleIt has been a wild and zingy week for Suite Marmalade. First, those irresistible Flower Girls finally found the home they needed – together, naturally. Once again the suite was the realm of all orange boys, all the time. I didn’t see Dobro, Steve and Hunter put up a “He-Man Woman Haters’ Club” sign on the door…but then again, that may be simply because they didn’t have time.

The cast of characters was about to change again.

Now, many, many visitors have been bitten by the love bug in the presence of Steve and Hunter. (In fact, if you’re immune, you should probably see your doctor to ensure that your heart is beating. ;-)) But rumblings of “inappropriate elimination” are usually a sorry antidote to the love bug’s bite.

Not so with the O’Awesome Family.

When told about Hunter’s history and the fact that he’d already been returned once for pee infractions, Mrs. O’Awesome responded with something like, “well, some people are just silly when it comes to animals.”

Hunter by DanielleRest assured there’s nothing so silly about the O’Awesomes. Litter box follies or not, they are committed to sticking by their little Hunter. The baby of the Suite Marmalade family is in his forever home. (And, I might add, Hunter had no such follies during his return visit to Tabby’s Place, so it’s very likely the O’Awesomes won’t even have to deal with this issue.)

Three orange sweethearts adopted, two to go. Logic might lead us to predict that Steve would be next…but cats and destiny love turning logic on its axis and defying all predictions. So I’ll hold my peace there.

Persephone in her fearful first moments in Suite MarmaladeIn the meantime, Suite Marmalade has gotten another splash of color – and it’s not orange.

Well, that’s not entirely accurate. It is orange…and brown…and gray…and swirly. It’s the one, the only…Persephone.

Yes, the last of our Olympians has finally cleared from Ringworm, and today she’s headed for the land of “teenage” kittens and Dobros (he’s in a class of his own). If history is our guide, Steve will pout and sulk over the new addition for a day, then decide that Persephone is his true BFF and bond to her.

SteveBut, again, why level predictions when dealing with cats? They know what they’re doing.

And I know in my heart that this suite is going to be emptied out into forever homes – yes, even Dobro – before we know it.

In the meantime, it’s not exactly fair to call it Suite Marmalade anymore. A Google search of jams and condiments doesn’t turn up anything quite matching Persephone’s torbie tones. The closest I could find?

That formidable British favorite, marmite. 🙂

And Persephone makes...Suite Marmite?

4 thoughts on “Marmalade and…marmite?

  1. Yay for all the adopted orange babies! I’m sure the other little ones in Suite Marmite aren’t far behind. And as someone who has actually tasted marmite :(, leave it to Tabby’s Place to make it sound good again! 🙂

  2. Hooray for the O’Awesomes!!! I’m so happy they’ve given Hunter a forever home. Also a cheer for the flower girls who went on to their new home as well. So glad they’re together.
    Such good new can’t be far behind for the marmite crew like sweet, shy Persephone!

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