Do you hear the felines sing?

Do you hear the felines sing?

BrandySinging the songs of kitty glee?
It is the music of the kitties who, today, are Brandy-free.

With apologies to Les Miserables for that musical interlude, it’s easy to imagine that you can hear the happy songs of the Suite B cats from oceans away today. It’s all thanks to one elegant tabby, or, rather, her new adopter. Brandy, the Terror of Suite B, has left the building.Now, I’ve never had even the teensiest bad experience with this fine girl. But, then again, I’m a member of her preferred species, which is distinctly not felis catus. Brandy has always loved humans with gusto, even in her first sickly weeks with us after coming from a jam-packed New York City shelter.

BrandyBut other cats? That’s another, not-safe-for-general-audiences story. And Brandy’s had a way of picking rather sad targets, too. For instance, her most recent punching bag was Rickie, a.k.a. Big Rick, a smooshy, harmless fellow who resembles nothing so much as a big marshmallow.

It’s always strange when a cat who’s so affectionate with people can be so nasty to her own species. But, let’s not be too hard on Brandy: living with 17 feline roommates hasn’t been a cake walk for her, either. Much as she’d made a habit of terrorizing her suitemates, Brandy clearly would have been happiest if they simply weren’t there, and she had the love of people all her own.

So for weeks we’d all been doing everything we could to nudge potential adopters (the ones who don’t already have other cats, that is) in our lovable, complicated girl’s direction. And, this week, the grand dream of all Suite B finally came true. We hear that Brandy’s doing just beautifully in her new home, where she’s living a dream of her own: being the only cat.Brandy

I hear that Brandy does have some furry siblings, though: a boxer and multiple shih tzus. So far, I haven’t seen any ads in the local newspaper of dogs putting themselves up for adoption, so it seems safe to guess that Brandy’s wrath stops with her own species.

At any rate, Brandy’s adoption has her human friends at Tabby’s Place grateful that another cattified song has come true: Brandy, you’re a fine girl, what a good “only cat” you would be. 🙂

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