As(tor) you like it
I was going to begin this post, “I like big cats and I cannot lie.” But even I have more dignity than that. Or, at least, the cats do.
I was going to begin this post, “I like big cats and I cannot lie.” But even I have more dignity than that. Or, at least, the cats do.
Tonight, we’ll all see a Super Moon rising. There’s just one thing even more super than this. Tell me true: what’s superior to Supernanny, a supermajority, Super Mario, and even the Price is Right’s famous Superball?
Some pictures tell the proverbial thousand words. Other pictures beg for a blog post. And so it was that I came to beg our very own nik11676 to pen a piece on a photo that was too-cute-to-be-true…except that it’s true. You’re in for a beautifully-written belly bonanza…
It has been brought to my attention that, while I take many pictures of all the Tabby’s Place cats, I take a fully appropriate disproportionate number of pictures of Webster (say, 50 one hundred meeeellion a month). And isn’t that rather unfair? To quote various British people: bollocks.
Once upon a time, there was a Suite Marmalade. Then there wasn’t, and then there was, and now there is again…in a new form.