Bein’ brave and havin’ fun: the Dessert Kids step out
Breaking news from Adoption Room #2: there are cats in there! More to the point, there are visible cats.
Breaking news from Adoption Room #2: there are cats in there! More to the point, there are visible cats.
There’s happy news at Tabby’s Place this week: the four sweethearts rescued from the hoarding situation in Chester (the Dessert Kids, Twinkie, Cupcake, Strudel and Trifle) are out of quarantine and in a suite of their own. Now begins the slow, patient work of helping them to learn that humans can love them well, and […]
While I certainly don’t condone their actions, my heart goes out to animal hoarders who genuinely believe they are helping – even “saving” - the creatures in their care. But it always seems to end in multi-species tragedy, as the hoarder is heartbroken when the animals are taken away, and the animals struggle to recover from […]