Terminal degrees
Every cat at Tabby’s Place is an expert. We are packed to the gills with authorities, on topics ranging from parmigiana to campaign finance reform. But there are experts, there are authorities, and then there are scholars.
Every cat at Tabby’s Place is an expert. We are packed to the gills with authorities, on topics ranging from parmigiana to campaign finance reform. But there are experts, there are authorities, and then there are scholars.
Checkers would never tell you this himself. But with tears in our eyes and white fur on our jeans, we need the world to know. Checkers was a king.
So here we stand, at the end and the beginning. Cats know that there are only ever beginnings. Cats know many things beyond our reach. But they are gentle, and permit us to believe in figments — endings, the concept of “age appropriate,” the existence of credible vegan cheese — as long as necessary. Perhaps […]
I would like to kiss the New Year, but I can’t reach that high. I would like to glimpse what’s next, but I can’t open my eyes that wide. So I will simply sit here, on the floor, with the cats, telling stories.
In the literary realm, “ekphrastic” refers to poetry inspired by a visual image. In the Tabby’s Place realm, “ekphrastic” refers to everything we do at all times.