Memorial days
There is something artificial about setting aside one particular day to remember. Artificial, yes. But also merciful.
There is something artificial about setting aside one particular day to remember. Artificial, yes. But also merciful.
August has left the building. This means it’s time to put away your hot summer fashions, like the classic black knee socks with cargo shorts and Birkenstocks (a look only recommended if you’re a male over age 85 and shaped like Grimace). It also means it’s time for our monthly recap.
These are always very hard for me to write, as it means I have lost a good friend.
A little over 3 years ago, Geri arrived at Tabby’s Place a frightened and angry feral cat. She didn’t want us anywhere near her, and she really didn’t want us anywhere near her brother Ben.
It may be the third-most-asked question at Tabby’s Place. Hot on the heels of “Don’t they ever fight?” and “Where do you come up with all the names?”, people regularly ask: “Aren’t orange cats always male?”
There are cats, there are Community Cats, and then there are solarium cats. Recently, the solarium cats enjoyed the adventure of nine lifetimes.
Ben arrived at Tabby’s Place a little over 18 months ago with his sister Geri. Both Ben and Geri had been living outside for most of their lives and they were feral to say the least. Geri was fiercely protective of Ben and would guard him with her own body, flying, teeth and claws bared, […]