Update for Simon

Update for Simon

Dear Supporters of Simon,

I am over the moon because finally, I had the chance to meet Simon at Tabby’s Place. For the past few months, I had to rely on the photos someone else took. I had to read and listen to the stories that someone else told. And then I got the text from our Volunteer Director, inviting me back as a volunteer, and I had the chance to see Simon for the first time in person and introduce myself.

I was so excited. I knew he was hanging out in the lounge area. There were a few other cats, but I spotted him immediately. Actually, he spotted me. I no sooner walked into the lounge than he leaped down from where he was sitting on the couch and sauntered over like he owned the room and everything in it. I sat down next to his cat mate (who was half asleep), and Simon—who has to be one of the friendliest cats I ever met—began to sniff, then nuzzle my foot. This wasn’t a once or twice nuzzle, but a serious nuzzling that continued for five minutes. I began to pet him, and the purring started—a deep purring that continued on and on.

A cat’s purring is very relaxing for me. I like to believe they’re feeling good. And I was so impressed with his purring that I took out my iPhone and recorded it. Here is the link to the youtube video—turn your volume way up and listen:


The one thing I noticed is that although Simon is handsome in photos, he’s so much more handsome in person.

His fur is a deeper and richer color face-to-face. He has very expressive eyes. And his sweetness fills the room. You want to pick him up and hug him. I had to restrain myself because, although I’ve been writing about him for the past few months and feel I know him, this was the first time he actually met me.

And I had the funniest experience with him. After I’d pet him for a while, I stood up and moved away, trying to get some good shots of him from a distance. But I soon discovered that it was near impossible because every time I took a step away from him, he took a bunch of tiny steps towards me. I ended up with a slew of big face shots crowding the screen of my camera.

I will share with you one photo of Simon posing that someone else was able to take–someone a lot more gifted and patient than I am–a photo that really shows off Simon in all his cuteness.

Soon after Simon decided he wanted to eat, and then eat some more, and then drink, and then drink some more. So now I understood why my fellow colleagues at Tabby’s Place were always so excited when they were able to get a good photo of Simon. He’s a man of action. A man with an agenda.

And I was happy to see him eat and drink because during this month Simon suffered from some appetite loss and had a low blood glucose level. As a result, the folks at Tabby’s Place monitored him twice a day before administering insulin.

Simon’s brother, Hobo

I also went on a tiny expedition and looked for his brother Hobo, who I found lounging, well, actually sleeping, under the table in the lobby. Another very handsome cat in person, gray-and-white fur with the most unusual eyes, which make you think he’s plotting something—more ways to get delicious snacks—cheese snacks, like Simon?

So, it was a good day, all in all. Meeting Simon and his brother Hobo.

Of course, Simon is still pals with his newfound friend, Shifty. Their “on-again, off-again” friendship is here to stay, or so it seems by this cute photo.

Simon with his on-again, off-again pal, Shifty

We wish to thank you, as always, for your continuing generosity to Tabby’s Place. Have a wonderful end of the summer, and in the not too distant future, I hope you can once again come to Tabby’s Place and meet these two wonderful brothers and Simon’s sidekick, Shifty!

Your correspondent,