Update for Elliot

Update for Elliot

Elliot’s Episodes #8

Happy May to all my wonderful sponsors and Tabby’s Place lovers everywhere. It’s time for another one of my episodes, and boy do I have a lot to tell you….

My friend Mary Anne came to visit me again. I was asleep on top of the cubes in a nice soft bed…But when she called my name, I woke right up only to discover that she had come to see me wearing a doggie mask. I was a little upset, but when she told me she had a pittie named Hazel and all the dogs on the mask looked like Hazel, I was ok.  She did promise to wear a kitty mask on her next visit!

I did a big yawn and an even bigger stretch and came down to sit in her lap for a little while. When I was getting a lot of pets, I noticed that Shaggy and Merriweather were up and about. Last month I was being a noodge with Merriweather and kind of batting at her a lot.  Well, turnabout is fair play…   Shaggy started to stalk me and stare me down. I was a little nervous and ran behind the ladder next to the suite door. But Shaggy persisted. I know Mary Anne was watching and would have rescued me if Shaggy “attacked.”  But all was well as Shaggy found a toy and started to play. He is pretty good at kitty soccer.

Things are looking up…

So I ran over to the ramp and jumped up and sat in Mary Anne’s lap for a while to get some good pets. Nemo came over and gave me a few hisses, so it was time to explore again. I found all of the litter boxes in the suite and was in and out of each one. I finally found one to my liking and had a good wee!   This is big time for me as one of my reasons for being a Special Needs kitty is that I don’t always use the litter box. But I am learning, and I still have hopes that someone will adopt me one day.

I was just about to settle in for another nap when I found a ball with a squeaker and started to play kitty soccer. I figured I could give Shaggy some competition. But then Dietrich came by and I had to do some sniffing. Then I jumped up on the cubes again and sat with Mary Anne. This time I gave her arm a good washing while I was trying to steal that pen she always has. I think she is trying to help me write my episodes and jots down all these things in that little notebook she has. She wouldn’t let me have that pen, but I did get to mark it with my ears. Ha ha…now she has my scent on it and I know she will bring it back on her next visit.

And all of a sudden the suite door opened and some people came in. They were new to Tabby’s Place, visiting to see what we are all about. One of the staff was taking them on a tour. I got scared and tried to hide, but that staff person was too quick for me. She picked me up and gave me lots of close hugs and kisses  Then she put me down so I could play again.  Boy, did I love those hugs and kisses!

There is a little cardboard cat scratcher that looks like a house right at the bottom of the cubes. That is where I decided to end my visit with Mary Anne. I scratched a great mani and then just curled up and started to take another nap.

In all, I am happy and healthy at Tabby’s. But, the staff noticed that my ears are kind of dirty. So now I have to get my ears cleaned more often than not. I guess I have a heavy wax build-up. But that is my only issue.

Dreamy days for Elliot…

We all—kitties like me and humans alike here at Tabby’s Place—would love your help in expanding our family—with volunteers!  Last month I told d you how much we need additional volunteers as we prepare for our Quinn’s Corner expansion, which will open later this year. From cleaning to feeding to delivering tender affection, volunteers make a huge impact on our lives. If you have a heart for kitties like me, we have a role perfectly fit for you at Tabby’s Place.

If you, or anyone in your own “family” of cat lovers, can come aboard, please visit our volunteer page, submit a volunteer application, or contact our Director of Volunteers, Karina Jewitt, at kj@tabbysplace.org. Volunteers must be 12 years or older, and a parent must accompany those under 16 during their volunteer shift. Please tell everyone! And if you live a bit too far away to join us in person, know that you are still very much “right here” with all of us through your generosity…and I am so very grateful!

Please come and visit me, dear sponsors, and play with me as Mary Anne does. We have a great time when we are together. Maybe I could go home with one of you and be in my “furever” home. But until then, I will be right here in Suite B having a wonderful time with all my kitty friends and the staff and volunteers.

Everyone be safe, well, and happy.

(With help from your correspondent, Mary Anne)