Update for Elliot

Update for Elliot

Elliot’s Episodes #11

Happy August, Dear Sponsors and Tabby’s Place Fans. Welcome to my latest episode.

It has been a scorching summer these last few weeks.  But I am safe, sound, and cool here at the sanctuary.

I have been in very good health this past month.  Remember my ears getting dirty?  Well, the staff here is keeping them clean.  I did lose a little weight.  But it is not enough to be worried.  I think it is all the “kittysizes” I do since I run around my Suite B a lot, and go up and down ramps.  Ha-ha…I have my own kitty gym!

I am getting much better at my litter box skills.  My main problem seems to be positioning.  If only the sides were higher.  I usually back into a corner, lift my leg, and (oops!) pee over the edge.  Then I can’t seem to be able to bury the evidence.  Thank goodness for the papers under the boxes.  But at least I am IN the box.

Last month, I thought I would go to Hollywood.  But I will set that aside for now and just be a greeter.  You know how some stores have those people who stand at the entrance and welcome you in and tell you to have a nice day?  Well, I could be one of those.  I really would be better at it in the Tabby’s Place lobby.

But there are many paraplegic cats and older cats there who would not like my constant running about and trying to play with them.  So, I do this from my suite.  I love it when all the volunteers are busy cleaning the lobby and expressing the bladders of kitties who need help with their “bathroom going.” I press my nose against the big glass window and watch in awe.  Sometimes, I try to touch the kitties as they go by.  But for some reason, I can’t reach them.

I am finally settling in at meal times, especially on Sundays when my friend Sheila comes to visit me.  She plays with me after all the kitties are fed.  I still run around a little bit and then go up and down the ramp (kittysizes!), for some fast zoomies.  But then I settle in and chow down with my buds.  The food doesn’t last long, as I scarf it right down.  I am a fan of chicken bits with gravy.  In fact, I like any wet food with gravy.  I don’t much care for pate, as it is too dry for me.

So, there you have it…I am happy and healthy here at Tabby’s Place.  I hope, dearest sponsors, that you can visit me and bring me some of that great cat food with gravy.  I will share it with my suitemates—I promise (wink-wink).

In closing, I overheard some of the volunteers talking about me.  They all said how much they loved me and call me their little “nutball”—I thought that was so cute.

So, everyone, please be safe, well, and cool.  I am waiting to meet and greet you and have a play date with you.

(With help from your correspondent, Mary Anne)