Update for Cotton

Update for Cotton

Greetings Cotton Friends,

Ready for the holidays!

I hope this update finds you enjoying the spirit of this holiday season. This has been an interesting month here in Cotton’s world. He has been greatly affected by rainy weather, as this most definitely gets in the way of his stroller rides. But alas, he hides his disappointment so well! He is so focused on getting out for a ride that he plants himself at the front door and stares down the “stroller drivers” to make sure they have not forgotten about him. That, of course, is impossible!

Cotton also had some indoor excitement and not the good kind of excitement. Rumor has it that a fight broke out in the lobby and Cotton was attacked by Anka. Yes, poor sweet Cotton! Anka had come in from a stroller ride and Cotton was by the pen and the door was open. As a result, Anka went after Cotton very badly, and before it could be stopped, Hobo and Patty jumped in on the action too. Anka had Cotton and wasn’t letting go. Thanks to our junior veterinary technician, they were separated. Cotton received a bite injury to his rear limb and was put on pain medication and warm compresses. Luckily, he recovered quickly.  We have decided to stop putting him in Anka’s enclosure overnight. He seems just as happy in his soft crate, and this arrangement is better for Anka’s stress level.

Staring down the stroller drivers!

After what appeared to be a speedy recovery for his injury, Cotton was noted to be crying and painful in a rear limb. Upon examination, the limb that was injured was swollen and he had a lump on the back of his neck that had not been there before.  With time, the swelling in his leg has gone down, and we are awaiting the results of an aspirate of the lump. Please send Cotton healing thoughts and prayers!

Even with his busy month, Cotton took some time out to get into the holiday spirit. He is ready to bring it on! He thanks you from the bottom of his heart, for your kindness, love, and generosity. Cotton and everyone here at Tabby’s Place wish you a healthy, happy, and peaceful holiday season.

Your Correspondent,