Sponsor Updates for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear Colleen Supporters, I feel like I should have a standard opening sentence when I write these updates for Colleen, and it should go something like this: Never a dull moment when you’re talking about Colleen! First, let me share that Colleen is okay and all is well just now…but as Angela reports, there was […]

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen, I’m happy to report that May was a quieter month for Colleen. But, she’s not totally out of the woods yet. That’s the story of her life, it seems; Colleen has her ups and downs just about every month. This time, she had another flare-up of dental inflammation. Our vet team […]

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen, My heart almost skipped a beat when I read the latest news on Colleen from Angela this month: Colleen had LOTS of medical news. Well, I thought, she had LOTS of medical news last month, and it’s never good when a cat has LOTS of news two months in a row. […]

Update for Colleen

Dear sponsors of Colleen, The last time I visited Colleen, I found her hiding, or — hmmm — posed underneath the table in the Community Room. Strange, I thought. Of course, there was a new batch of kittens in the room, and Colleen has a history of trying to avoid those furry little creatures. But […]

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen, As most of you have guessed it by now, I am agog over Colleen. And nothing does my heart more good than to wander into the Community Room, spot her in one of her favorite places, and then walk over, let her catch a whiff of my hand, and see that […]

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