Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen,

As most of you have guessed it by now, I am agog over Colleen. And nothing does my heart more good than to wander into the Community Room, spot her in one of her favorite places, and then walk over, let her catch a whiff of my hand, and see that she jumps up and follows.

Oh yeah, it is wonderful to be so loved by such a lovable girl!

As always, Col’s favorite activities are lying on the couch near the window, happily snoozing in the sun; drinking water from the fountain nearby; and trying to catch a bit of peace by hiding in an available cage or box.

Just the other day, she was all curled up next to me on the couch. purring gently, eyes closed, and I thought, this is as close to heaven as I will get. Now, I have four cats at home that I love dearly, but Colleen holds a very special place in my heart. She’s been through a lot — medical issues that come and go — but none of those issues have dampened her sweetness one bit.

And I have to admit I’m a bit proud when some of the other volunteers glance over and smile. Everyone wants to feel Colleen’s love, and that’s one of the nice things about making friends with a cat: they don’t bestow their love easily, but once they do, their loyalty tends to be steadfast.

What’s so remarkable about Colleen is that despite whatever discomfort she may be going through, she always manages to maintain that sweetness. At the beginning of this month, Colleen was suffering from a painful mouth, and she was beginning to paw her face again. The vet team re-started her medication. Her mouth now looks beautiful, her facial pawing has stopped, and most remarkably of all, she’s not developed diarrhea from the medication.

So, keep your fingers crossed that her good health continues.

As always, thank you for your generosity. Enjoy what we hope to be warmer weather on the way!