Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear Colleen Supporters,

I feel like I should have a standard opening sentence when I write these updates for Colleen, and it should go something like this: Never a dull moment when you’re talking about Colleen!

First, let me share that Colleen is okay and all is well just now…but as Angela reports, there was a bit of a scary moment this month. It seems that one morning–quite suddenly–Colleen became extremely weak and uncoordinated and lost vision in her right eye–symptoms that we attribute to having a stroke. Although this event resolved itself quickly and Colleen is back to normal now, these symptoms can be a warning sign that a stroke may occur in the future.
More specifically, the vet at Tabby’s Place labeled the event a “transient ischemic attack” or TIA. Although it is stroke-like, it does not cause permanent damage.

Needless to say, when something like this happens, everyone is scared. Is there any treatment for it? No. Colleen’s cardiologist recommended that the good folks at Tabby’s Place monitor her blood pressure, which is currently in the normal range.

In other medical news, Colleen’s mouth is doing great, but the antibiotics have caused her to have diarrhea again so she is being treated with additional medication for that condition.

When you see Colleen or visit with her, you would never know that she is going through so much. Angela termed it “grace under pressure.” I love that! For this little cat truly is a role model for us all.

She is so grateful for the attention she gets. I love to pick her up and hold her and cuddle her. She is number one on my list!!

Thank you, as always, for your generous and continued support of this fine establishment. Enjoy the summer! See you next month.