Update for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen,

My heart almost skipped a beat when I read the latest news on Colleen from Angela this month: Colleen had LOTS of medical news. Well, I thought, she had LOTS of medical news last month, and it’s never good when a cat has LOTS of news two months in a row.

But, Colleen must have a special angel watching over her. It seems that, no matter what happens, the good folks at Tabby’s Place always find a way to keep our girl safe and happy.

The latest news started when Colleen, scheduled for dental surgery, was seen by the cardiologist as a precaution. Our girl was diagnosed with fairly severe heart disease. She was not only suffering from a significant heart murmur, but she also had an elevated heart rate. Immediately, Colleen was started on a beta blocker, and the doctor reduced her dose of subcutaneous fluids (which are good for Col’s kidneys, but could tax her heart).

If that isn’t enough for one lovely kitty to deal with, Colleen was also diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, a condition which is not only common but very treatable. All of this, unfortunately, does not make Colleen a good candidate for surgery at this time, as the anesthesia would put her life in jeopardy. So, for the time being, we’ll be treating her with steroids and antibiotics, which will keep Colleen’s mouth comfortable.

The hope is that, eventually, Colleen will have that surgery. Interestingly enough, sometimes untreated hyperthyroidism can exaggerate the severity of heart disease. So we are hoping that, once Colleen’s thyroid is under control, her heart may improve.

The bottom line is that our vet team will monitor Col’s cardiac condition closely. If we see an improvement in 4-6 months, we can address her dental disease surgically.

In the meantime, you would never know that Colleen has been facing so much medical drama. She is as sweet and lovable as always, loving it when anyone comes to visit.

Thanks, as always, for your continued generosity. Have a lovely spring and enjoy the beautiful weather.