Sponsor Updates for Anka

Update for Anka

My dearest friends, I am a cat with a purpose! I have learned here at Tabby’s Place that my life’s purpose is to bring joy to humans, especially elderly humans. Because I (and the other furballs that are part of the Aged to Purrfection program) have brought so much joy to seniors, the kind people […]

Update for Anka

Hello special friends, Breaking news!  I am no longer the only paraplegic Middle Eastern cat at Tabby’s Place. What are the odds of that? A team of rescuers from Lebanon reached out to Tabby’s Place about a paraplegic kitten named Chocolate. In a post-war country, options were limited for baby Chocolate, so the big-hearted people […]

Update for Anka

Hello dear friends, In my native land of Turkey, they do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. However, for about the last 15 to 20 years, they have celebrated their equivalent, which is called Lovers’ Day. People spend a small fortune on flowers, restaurants, and all kinds of heart-shaped gifts — pretty much like they do here […]

Update for Anka

Hello my special friends, It is said that magic is all around us. For me, magic comes in the form of humans. Big humans, little ones, older, younger – doesn’t matter. I love them all. Just before Christmas, I had the chance to visit an elementary school and make new friends with seven- and eight-year-old […]

Update for Anka

Hello dear friends, Nursing homes visits to play and cuddle with special seniors as part of our “Aged to Purrfection” program have been a huge hit with the seniors and the kitties. You can see the happiness during one of my visits in the photo below. We’ve opened the program up to more cats, so […]