Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello friends,

These are interesting times, to say the least. I’ve seen a lot of things in my brief stint on this earth, but I’m guessing global pandemic is new in the books for all of us.

Gogi trying to make friends!

Tabby’s Place had to make the tough but necessary decision to close to the public and allow only a small staff to keep things going. While I miss all the volunteers and visitors (kisses to you all!), the staff has been working in overdrive to keep us all safe, cared for and completely entertained. Since my correspondent can’t visit me, she sent me this note instead, which sums it all up:

“Dear Anka,

I miss visiting with you, and I think of you every day. I’m so grateful the Tabby’s Place staff is sending us constant updates about all the shenanigans taking place. For example, I see you’ve been getting regular stroller rides outside. I also saw pictures of you rolling around in the grass with a staff member on a gorgeous spring day. You looked so happy!

And then there are the visits (more like intrusions?) into your luxury accommodations from Gogi, one of the newer lobby cats. Poor Gogi! He’s just trying to make friends at Tabby’s Place. While you’re clearly not happy with his visits, I’m proud that you haven’t pummeled him yet. The behavior meds must be working. 😊 I loved it when the two of you sat in your enclosure together (at the approved 6 feet for social distancing … good boys!). Who knows where this will lead? I’m still holding out hope that you will someday make kitty friends.

Outdoor fun!

There are so many heroes in this world, sweet Anka. That includes all the Tabby’s Place staff members who are still showing up and doing their best. Plus, the volunteers whose hearts ache because they can’t see their favorite Tabby’s Place kitties in person, but who send their love in many different ways every day. And, let’s not forget all the sponsors, who sacrifice so that you and the other kitties can live a beautiful life. Heroes – every one of them!

Yes, heroes, one and all. Thank you, my hero, for always being there for me. I hope you are well and safe.

(with help from your correspondent, Mary)