Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Anka – AFTER brushing–so handsome!

Hello, my sweet friends,

This has been an exciting month, all things considered. Tabby’s Place is slowly and safely allowing a small number of volunteers to help take care of the furry residents while providing some relief to the devoted staff that has been working onsite tirelessly.

In response to volunteers who deeply miss their kitty friends, the amazing staff at Tabby’s Place also started a Curbside Volunteering program. Volunteers can sign up to take a cat out for stroller time. This program is very organized and efficient:  volunteers arrive and wait outside, a staff member brings them a kitty in a stroller, kitty gets outdoor stroller time and the company of people they love, and everyone is happy.

Here I am “Curbside on the Green” (courtesy of our volunteer photographer, Ruth):


These changes are exciting for me because I get more people to play and cuddle with and more time outside o

n stroller walks and in my outdoor playpen. It also means I get proper grooming. With my long hair, I tend to get matted and, while I love attention, I don’t love being brushed. Brushing out my matted fur is usually a two-person job, and because we have been short on staff, it has been hard for the staff to keep up with it. Lately, I got a really good brushing. The result is a furball the size of a kitten (see the picture). I think we should name it Baby Anka.

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t count my blessings and reflect on how grateful I am for everything and everyone in my life. Things haven’t always been easy, but thanks to you and generous people like you, I am living my best life surrounded by great love and care. Big furry hugs to you for the important role you play in my happy life.

(With help from your correspondent, Mary)