Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello dear friends,

I’m not sure why but my luxury accommodations have become very popular lately. As you may recall, I was given my luxury accommodations to keep me away from other cats. It’s not simply that I don’t like other cats, but I wish to do them harm and no amount of behavioral meds have been able to fix that. So, imagine everyone’s surprise when sweet, little Rose found a way to get into my space … not once, but twice!

Rose spends a fair amount of time curled up on top of Olive’s overnight crate. From there, she has learned that she can jump into my domain, but it’s not as easy for her to jump out. Luckily, the staff rescued her both times before I could reach her.

I’ve been feeling very playful lately and engaging with my toys more often between naps. I hear there’s a lot of heavy stuff going on in the world right now, but here in my Tabby’s Place world, the loving staff keeps us safe, healthy, and supremely happy.

I may not always show my appreciation (especially when my bladder is being expressed), but I love my Tabby’s Place people. And I get very excited when it’s time for my evening meds because it means dinner is on its way.

I’m thinking about you and sending you waves of love and joy in hopes that it can brighten your world during these heavy times.

Much love,
(With help from your correspondent, Mary)