Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello my sweet friends,

I am missing all the visitors who come and fuss over me. We’re still closed to the public and continue to operate with minimal staff. However, things are far from boring around here. The amazing Tabby’s Place staff takes me for regular strolls outside. That’s my favorite activity in the whole world!

Gogi, who so desperately wanted to be my friend that he kept hopping into my luxury accommodations, has been moved into the Community Room. Here he has plenty of willing friends to play with and no one has to stress out that he’s in my space – especially me! That kid has a lot of energy and is just too curious for my taste. I hear he’s having a blast and making lots of new friends in the Community Room.

Even without Gogi, there’s no shortage of interesting characters in the lobby. Sweet little Cotton likes to ‘race’ the staff through the lobby. When the speed demon is not racing around, he, along with Olive, Rose and Walter, like to take turns watching out the front door. With just about no foot traffic coming or going, they’ve started to sprawl out so that the kind staff has to step over and around them to go retrieve the mail.

I still haven’t been able to see my correspondent, but we had a Zoom video call the other day to catch up and share stories. I hear Tabby’s Place is also holding virtual “meet and greets” for people who want to adopt a cat. A few cats have already been adopted as a result!

Thank you for being such a great and loyal friend to me. I miss you and hope you are well and safe.

(With help from your correspondent, Mary)