Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Dear kind friends,

Once upon a time, way back when, on April 15, 2013, a li’l black-and-white southern kitten was born into this world.  Her Mama cat and Papa cat were not sure of a name for this beauty.  (This is the part of the story that y’all are going to really enjoy).  Into the home came Granny cat who took one look at this beautiful kitty and said, “I do declare this baby is a Rose.”

She is beautiful and soft like a fragrant red rose, and like a rose, she will have some tiny thorns because she will be a warrior and will be strong and able to protect herself and others.  Wow y’all, my Granny was an amazing cat and possessed a great deal of feline wisdom.  You are in my heart as I celebrate my 7th birthday.  I cannot say it enough, but I am so grateful to have you as my sponsor and your generosity blessed me with such a happy and healthy life at Tabby’s Place.  I could not ask for a better birthday gift!

Cats and humans are feeling the effects of the coronavirus which has turned our world upside down.  Tabby’s Place complied with NJ State orders and closed the sanctuary to the public, including volunteers.  Adoptions are temporarily on hold.  Small teams of our staff (bless their hearts) are caring for us cats and taking care of Tabby’s Place.  Lordy, how I miss the visitors and volunteers.  Y’all know how much I love people, affection, and gentle belly rubs.

My correspondent stays in touch with me through the staff, who send her updates and pictures.  I know that she is very sad being away from me, and has salty drops coming from her eyes.  I am equally sad not to see her, I enjoy when she is volunteering and spends time with me and shares my story with visitors.  I also love that she wears a “Rose shirt,” cat ears, and a “Rose necklace.”

At night when I get ready for bed, I shut my eyes and picture the day that things return to normal.  I picture my correspondent running to me, picking me up, kissing me on the head, and telling me how much she loves me.  I picture the volunteer feeders who are kind enough to give me a little extra food at meals.

I picture adorable children reading to me during “Paws to Read.”  I picture myself riding like a big girl in my stroller as we enter a senior living center, and I get to see all my senior friends in the Aged to Purrfection program.

When I dream, I dream big – I picture myself greeting visitors at Tabby’s Place Events such as the Kitten Shower & Adoption Event.  I picture myself laying in my big comfy cat bed near the front door, and in you walk, my special sponsor!  I picture myself pulling off my diapies (I have tried not to do this because it makes extra work for the staff).  I picture seeing off cats as they are adopted and head to their new homes.  I picture my correspondent giving me a long stroller ride with a gentle breeze blowing my fur and feeling the sun on my face.  Dreams do come true, and I know the magic day will return.

Our staff has been beyond great.  They take the time to play with us cats and share our pictures on Facebook.  My favorite recent picture is one of Walter and me in the Community Room.  We snuck in to say hi to our furry friends.   My staff pal Ginny kept an eye on us and let Walter and I enjoy the outing, and then escorted us back to the lobby.  I am sure curious Cotton was wondering where we went.  I have some new friends in the lobby, Gogi and Twister who come from Beirut, Lebanon.

Guess what?   I got to be a model.  My correspondent had shoulder surgery last month, so she decided to set up a birthday photoshoot early, in case she was not able to see me on my birthday.  I am so happy to share some of these photos with y’all.  You are going to fall off the chair when I tell you that sweet little Cotton was curious about the “photoshoot,” and decided to jump on the birthday gift bag.  He “photobombed” the shoot!

Health update…for almost the whole entire month I was in perfect health, no news to report.  One day last week I woke up feeling “yuck.”  I had a fever, and staff watched over me and gave me fluids and antibiotics, and the next day sparkly Rose with a healthy appetite returned!

Exploring the Community Room with Walter

We all are in this together, both fur babies and humans.  Be sure to tell everyone who is special to you that you love them, each and every day.  Please know that I love you and keep you in my heart.  My Granny cat would ask that you please stay home and stay safe.  I will be here at Tabby’s Place waiting to greet you when the world turns itself right side up!

I hope that you had a wonderful Passover and Easter holiday.  Sending you springtime whisker kisses!

(with help from your correspondent, Ilene)