What can you say about cats named for characters from 2012 Oscar-nominated films?
I know, I know, that’s a question you hear all the time. But bear with me.

If you’re Abraham, you can claim that you’ve sung the Battle Hymn of the Republic/living room with your brother.
If you’re Jean Valjean, you can say that you’ve heard the music of a people who will not be slaves again and shown that tyranny FIV cannot win.
And if you’re Django and Broomhilda, you can most assuredly state that you’ve violently obliterated any frowning faces and downcast spirits in your orbit.
But don’t take it from me. Let the little rapscallions’ adopters do the swooning:
“We would love to share Bonnie and Clyde with the world! They are so sweet and always on the move! Clyde lives up to his name and is very much the daredevil with no fear….nothing is too high or big to jump on! Bonnie is sweet but stands her ground when she’s getting beat up by her brother.
“Bonnie gave us a ‘scare’ the very first day when she got up into the recliner sofa in the room and couldn’t get herself out…that sofa is now gone!
“We forgot how fun kittens are and they have kept us entertained for many hours!!!
“We couldn’t have made a better choice! Thanks Tabby’s Place!”

We couldn’t agree more, WonderFamily. And make no mistake: this is our kind of family. Sofa attempts to eat kitten? Sofa gets tried in an international criminal court. Sofa goes. Bye-bye, sofa.
But now, a serious and sobering message: this movie isn’t over. In a twist too melodramatic even for the Lifetime Original Movie Network, Django and Broomhilda left their siblings behind.
That’s right. There are more of them.
Why does no one want the kittens? Where is the humanity? Where is love? Where have all the flowers gone?
Where are the adopters?
C’mon, human beans — bring out your awesome. It’s time to fall hard and forever for tiny tabbies/torties. To be continued...
oh, Mei Li looks like she could be the daughter of my Sarah (a Tabby’s Place alumna)!!! I think she should be in my home so they can be a team!!!! YAY to the family who got rid of the offending furniture — my kind of people!
WOW! Thanks to Bonnie & Clyde’s new momma & poppa for making that big mean sofa go live somewhere else! You’re the special kind of human beans that all of us Tabby’s Place kitties love. Thanks for picking Tabby’s Place to find your new kitties and giving Bonnie & Clyde their new furrever home!!
PS – You gave Django and Broomhilda great new names!