Gratuitous cat photos: Ye Olde Valentiney Edition

Gratuitous cat photos: Ye Olde Valentiney Edition

I don’t know how you feel about Valentine’s Day.

I do, however, know that your Valentine’s Day is about to get better.

Whatever the shape of your heart this February 14th, I’m confident your V-Day will be improved by photographs of cats enhaloed in pink Mylar.

Nothing I could say at this point could possibly add to the pleasure you’re about to experience, so hoogidyboogidyboo and happy Valentine’s Day, kittens:

Curl up with C.R. this Carley Rosentine’s Day.
On the other hand, do not curl up with Alfred unless you’d like this to be Emergency Roomentine’s Day.
“Is it true there are no Conversation Hearts for sale this year?” – concerned citizen Mackenzie
“WHAT?” – Sherbet, who would like to remind you that SHE is a HERbet.
“Guys, it’s OK — cats can’t taste sugar anyway.” – Pixie the Wise, preferrer of heart-shaped scrapple over sweets
So raise the Rufus whatever your relationship status…
…Pepita and I don’t know how you feel about Valentine’s Day…
…but even Jonathan knows that you are loved, and life is delicious.

Special thanks to spectacular volunteer Ruth for these pink-powered photos o’ love.

1 thought on “Gratuitous cat photos: Ye Olde Valentiney Edition

  1. Thank you for these wonderful gratuitous cat photos. I love this kind of post. These cats all have such loving faces, shining bright with hope and wonder. I feel like I know them. I feel like I know you, Tabby’s Place. I trust you to always provide the very best for these cats. Thank you.

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