Freedom for Freda

Freedom for Freda

freda-4-2-2009-7-21-04-pm-2048x1536Yesterday we welcomed Freda to the lobby! She was officially declared ringworm-free on Tuesday–one day early due to a little begging on my part. Freda received lots of hugs and kisses from her many fans as our vet tech Denise brought Freda to her new living quarters. She spent the afternoon and night becoming accustomed to her new surroundings and feline friends from the privacy of her own kitty condo. On Wednesday Freda was allowed to explore the lobby for the first time and she revealed a side of herself I had not seen before.

First, Freda met Erin, who’s almost completely blind and  had no idea there was a newcomer just inches from her face. Freda watched Erin intently for a moment;  then, after gathering Erin wasn’t a threat, she moved on to more interesting, or rather troubling, things–the boys.

Tashi, a paraplegic, and Donny, a kitten recovering from knee surgery, also freda-4-2-2009-3-53-10-pmreside in the Lobby. Both are very outgoing, playful, and to an old lady like Freda very annoying. Freda didn’t dare get too close to these crazy kids, but she wasn’t shy about showing her distaste for them. Each time one of them looked in her direction she let out a very impressive hiss. I was quite shocked though Tashi and Donny seemed all the more fascinated with Freda.

Since this initial encounter, Freda has been somewhat more tolerant of Tashi and Donny, but anytime they’re near she gives them a cold stare. I guess she’s just trying to set some boundries.

Freda’s medical status appears to be  stable. Her thyroid is now under control and her kidney values are normal. However, she has lost a small amount of weight in the last week ,which has us concerned, so we are watching her appetite and weight closely. Hopefully, we’re just seeing her appetite leveling off.

Other than her grievances with Tashi and Donny, Freda is enjoying life in the Lobby with the endless vistors who offer lots of love, warms laps, brushings, and heaping plates of wet food–a special Tabby’s Place blend to promote the health and longevity of our spoiled, elderly kitties.

2 thoughts on “Freedom for Freda

  1. I have been watching the blog and waiting for good news about Freda. She reminds me so much of Corey. I guess that is one of the reasons why I became a fan of hers. Glad to hear the good news and hope that she continues to improve.

  2. Great to see Freda is starting integrate into the flock. She looks very well and in brighter spirits. I will keep watching for more updates on how she is doing. When will you post her information on the website which will give a bit more information on her background?

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