It’s official.
We’ve made it this far, which means we’re gonna make it.

We made it through an obscene string of losses.
We made it through the Iowa caucuses (which, as Dr. C pointed out, would be cooler if they were called caucci).
We made it through Dirty Grandpa.
We made it through the waist-deep wackdom of January.
And we’re still breathing, purring, singing, fighting for the joy. It’s ours, and it made itself known even amidst the muck:
Arrived: Bowie, Iman, Rickman, Badger, Joni, Lita, Lemmy, Mazee, Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Tiger, Amos
Adopted: LaFawnduh, Bryce, Indie, Amy & Michele (together), Smokey, Socks, Milka

Readopted almost immediately: Smokey
Cleared from Quarantine: Bacon, Lucille, Emmy, Oscar, Jabba, Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants, Cassandra, Kaycee
Banished to Ringworm: NOOOOOO ONE.
Cleared from Ringworm: Abby (pictured in top thumbnail)
Promoted to the Community Room: Abby, Sandy, Kaycee, Cassandra
Newly sponsorable: Bubbles, Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants, Piper, Wilhelmina, Henrietta
Promoted to heaven: Skittles, Bo, Hocus, Queen
Onwards, kittens. February, please be kind.

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Half way through February but still never too late to say thank you for this update – and to say “Rest in Peace” to wonderful kitties Skittles, Bo, Hocus and Queen. Keep safe and warm, Tabby’s Place – we love you.