Epilogues: September 2013
It has come. October. But before we can properly begin the month of Tabby’s Place’s 10th anniversary and our 1st Halloween in three years without a major natural disaster, we’ve got some ‘splaining to do about September.
It has come. October. But before we can properly begin the month of Tabby’s Place’s 10th anniversary and our 1st Halloween in three years without a major natural disaster, we’ve got some ‘splaining to do about September.
We humans are a fragile bunch. A day that starts in sunshine can take a sinister swerve for something as small as That Look from the boss, or a shirt that makes you look all muffin-toppy, or a replay of the MTV VMAs on the morning news. Cats have no such vulnerabilities.
The arrival of The World’s Most Famous Infant has people talking about royalty: crowns and Union Jacks and kingly things. People who know about these things say it’s good to be king. To which, as often, the Tabby’s Place cats say: o really?