Kittens are kittens, until they are not. It’s for hard-hitting facts like this that you turn to Felis Catus.
Kittens are kittens, until they are not. It’s for hard-hitting facts like this that you turn to Felis Catus.
Strange, sweet little February, we salute you You gave us conversation hearts. (LUV YA. Mean it.) You gave us political heartburn. You gave us Cake by the Ocean.
I’ve just realized (yet) another way we differ from cats. We are continually, perpetually, all of us, defending our lives.
You know that buncha guys. If you were a certain stripe of nerdy, you may have bunched together with that buncha guys. And, like every high school worth its mystery meat, Tabby’s Place has that buncha guys.
OK, winter, we get it: you’re stronger than us. You dang near broke Boston. March came in like a lion and out like a friggin’ manticore. Yes, you’re stronger than us. You’re stronger…but we’re cuter. And scrappier. And we have much, much better musical taste.
It’s over, homies. The worst of winter. The chalky cavalcade of Conversation Hearts. The days without daffodils. And your wait for the cats’ monthly wrap-up.
If you wisely observed Mumford Monday this week, you already know we can soon look forward to a song about Broad-Shouldered Beasts.* But did you know there are Tabby’s Place cats singing their own Tabby’s Place songs beyond the gates of Tabby’s Place?