Update for Stafford

Update for Stafford

Happy End of Summer, Stafford Lovers!

Like the pink bunny in the commercial, our gentle senior keeps on going and going, albeit more slowly and not as energetically. Stafford has enjoyed a month of good health, surely cause enough for a figurative twenty-one gun (twenty-one bun?) salute! He has been eating well, and his summer haircut—um, I mean, fur cut—is growing back nicely.

The big news in Stafford’s life is the acquisition of another roommate. You know that Stafford has had Shiny as a “roomie” for quite some time now, and the two have been joined by another senior named “Mr. Dracula” (no, I’m not making that up; I couldn’t make that up).

The new arrival has his own set of medical issues, but he’s a sweet boy. While we wouldn’t expect Stafford to display aggression toward another cat, you never really know how felines will interact until you put them together.

But true to his laid-back personality, our shaggy boy has been perfectly accepting of Mr. Dracula, just as he was of Shiny. Our Executive Director reports that, when Mr. Dracula was having a blood draw, Stafford came over, apparently to observe the process, and sat and watched patiently. Since that office is pretty small, it’s a good thing all of the cats living there can co-exist peacefully.

I wish I could convey to you how much it means to us that you’ve chosen to help Stafford. He’s a wonderful boy, it’s true, but there are a lot of wonderful cats out there, and your support means a great deal, especially during the pandemic. Thank you!

Your correspondent,