The FIV+ Suite has seen a whirlwind of change in the past few months. This is uncommon for this suite, as these cats are, typically, adopted infrequently.
But, we have been blessed with an abundance of adoptable FIV+ cats:
- Arlo: his adoption was no surprise, as his sweetness matched the size of his head 🙂
- Ralph: the fluffy boy who wasn’t even with us long enough to get a sponsor page
Of course, when cats go, cats arrive to fill the spaces:
Liam Liam: (sponsor page TBD), another big-headed boy. He loves humans, but is not so great with cats and can become aggressive when he wants attention.
- Norah: (sponsor page TBD) a friendly, striking tortie and the first female in a long time. She is a few days away from being introduced to the other residents
And what our hero, Shea? As ever, he is equanimous through everything. I know “equanimous” is not a common word, but as I struggled for the word to capture his approach to life, I realized it was the prefect word.
Equanimous (upekkhā) is, however, a common word in Buddhism, and is one of the most prized virtues yielded by meditation. This reminded me of a quote I had seen “somewhere.” A little internet research yielded the answer:
I leave you with this “photo,” taken 15 minutes ago in he FIV+ Solarium.